Regenerative Injection Therapy

What is Regenerative Injection Therapy?
Harnesses the power within your own body to promote regenerative healing of connective tissues – ligaments, tendons, joint tissue, and cartilage by utilizing Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Prolotherapy in conjunction with ultrasound guidance. No guesswork with precision targeted healing.
Prolotherapy and PRP are non-surgical solutions to musculoskeletal injuries. These therapies make use of your body’s own natural healing ability. Prolotherapy consists of an irritant solution of dextrose and procaine while PRP consists of your body’s platelets suspended in plasma, isolated from your own blood. By injecting these solutions into a targeted area, we can stimulate wound healing, increase blood flow and initiate tissue regeneration. This can be used to treat ligaments, tendons, joints and skin. The goal is to heal injured tissue and improve overall function of the area.
Treatment Process
Prolotherapy: The Naturopathic Doctor will review previous medical history, any previous medical imaging reports, perform a focused physical exam followed by an ultrasound exam. They will then discuss the procedure, alternatives, risks and answer any questions. After the patient consents to treatment, the site is draped, cleaned and under ultrasound guidance the injections will be performed. After treatment, post treatment guidelines specific to the patient’s condition will be discussed. Follow up recommendations will be made.
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy: PRP appointments will be preceded by an initial appointment where the doctor will review previous medical history, any previous medical imaging reports, perform a focused physical exam followed by an ultrasound exam. The Naturopathic Doctor will discuss the procedure, alternatives and answer any questions. The patient will then book a follow up appointment for PRP. When a patient arrives for their PRP appointment they will first have their blood drawn. The blood draw will take 15 to 30 minutes. 60 to 180 cc of blood will be taken from the patient and then transferred to the Arthrex Angel PRP centrifuge for harvesting. Once the PRP is prepared the doctor will drape the site for treatment, clean the area and under ultrasound guidance the injections are performed. After treatment, post treatment guidelines specific to the patient’s condition will be discussed. Follow up recommendations will be made.
We direct bill most insurance providers.

Regenerative Injection Therapy
Applicable Conditions & Symptoms
As primary health care providers our Naturopathic Doctors treat chronic and acute illnesses including:
Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy
Acute and Chronic Back Pain
Osteoarthritis and Degenerative Joint Disease
Golfers Elbow & Tennis Elbow
Ankle Sprains
Achilles Tendinopathy
Tendonopathies Tendonitis
Neck Pain
Knee Pain
Carpal Tunnel
Skin and Hair Restoration
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We direct bill to most insurance providers.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Absolutely. We recommend resting the area after treatment. For the first 1 – 3 days after treatment walking and gentle range of motion is encouraged.
It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED not to perform any extreme sports, or heavy lifting for 3 weeks after treatment.
It is normal to have increased or worsening pain for a few days after treatment. This will subside. Most people will experience discomfort for 6 to 12 hours post injection, some for 3 days and rarely do patients have symptoms for greater than 3 days.
For pain, you may take Tylenol, Curcumin, or other supplements for pain as directed by your Naturopathic Doctor. You may also apply heat to the area. We recommend avoiding NSAIDs (ie Advil, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Aleve, Naproxen, Motrin).
Do not apply ice packs to the treated area. If you must use ice, create an ice and water pack out of two Ziploc bags. In the first Ziploc add ice cubes and water then seal the bag. Place this first sealed Ziploc bag into your second Ziploc bag, fill this bag with water and seal it. The ice and water pack can be used over the injection site for a maximum of 8 minutes up to once per hour. Initially the area will feel cold, then will burn followed by numbness – this is the deepest penetration of cold. Always follow up the ice and water pack with heat to bring blood flow back into the area.