
Naturopathic services at FridayHealth clinic

What is Prolotherapy?

Prolotherapy is a regenerative injection therapy that stimulates the body’s natural healing process to repair weakened or damaged ligaments and tendons. By injecting a dextrose-based solution into the affected area, prolotherapy promotes tissue regeneration, reduces pain, and restores joint stability. It is a non-surgical treatment option for chronic musculoskeletal pain, including arthritis, sports injuries, and joint instability.

Prolotherapy Treatment Process

Duration: 30 minutes
Recovery: Minimal. May cause temporary pain and stiffness for 1-2 days
Treatment: Minimally invasive
Cost: $245 - $345
Prolotherapy involves precise injections of a mild irritant solution, typically dextrose, into the affected area. This triggers a controlled inflammatory response, which stimulates the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Over time, the treatment strengthens weakened ligaments and tendons, stabilizing the joint and reducing pain. A series of treatments may be required for optimal results, with improvements typically noticed after a few sessions.
Shockwave services at FridayHealth clinic
Regenerative injection therapy at FridayHealth clinic

Other Prolotherapy Details

Duration: 60-75 minutes
Downtime: 12-24 hours
Treatment: Minimally invasive. Nerve blocks are injected to ensure comfort during your treatment.

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Applicable Conditions & Symptoms

As primary health care providers our prolotherapy doctors treat:

Rotator Cuff Injury
Acute and Chronic Back Pain
Osteoarthritis and Degenerative Joint Disease
Golfers Elbow & Tennis Elbow
Ankle Sprains
Achilles Tendinopathy
Tendonopathies Tendonitis
Neck Pain
Knee Pain
Hip Pain
Skin and Hair Restoration

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The initial appointment is 30 minutes.

You and your doctor may decide that additional testing is necessary during your initial appointment. Blood, urine or saliva may be collected at the clinic during your initial consultation.
Patients referred to Friday Health for regenerative injection therapy by another practitioner may receive prolotherapy, prolozone or neural therapy at their initial appointment. Patients booked for an initial IV will receive intravenous therapy during their initial appointment if they are deemed good candidates for that therapy.