Overhead view of five syringes arranged on a yellow background.

A Guide to Regenerative Injection Therapy – #007


What is it? Prolotherapy is an injection-based treatment that involves injecting an irritant solution, typically hyperosmolar dextrose, into injured tendon and ligament insertions to promote tissue repair and reduce pain.
Indications: chronic musculoskeletal conditions such as osteoarthritis, tendinopathies (e.g., lateral epicondylosis, rotator cuff tendinopathy), low back pain, and sacroiliac joint pain
What to expect:

  • A series of injections at the affected site, which may cause temporary pain and stiffness for 1-2 days followed by decreased pain and improved function 
  • Appointment length: 30 min   

Cost: $245 – $345


What is it? Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy involves centrifuging your blood to concentrate platelets, which are then injected into injured tissues to promote healing through the release of growth factors and cytokines

Indications: musculoskeletal conditions such as knee osteoarthritis, tendinopathies (e.g., lateral epicondylitis, patellar tendinopathy), and tendon or ligament injuries (i.e. rotator cuff tears, achilles tendon injury). It is also used in dermatologic applications for hair restoration and skin rejuvenation  

What to expect:

  • A blood draw, a 1-hour break while your PRP is being prepared in which you may leave the office, and a subsequent injection
  • You may experience temporary pain and swelling at the injection site, but the procedure is generally well-tolerated
  • Appointment length: 2 hours 

Cost: $925 – $1085

Neural Therapy and Nerve Blocks

What is it? ​​Neural therapy involves the injection of local anesthetics into scars, peripheral nerves, autonomic ganglia, and trigger points to relieve chronic pain and illness by normalizing a dysfunctional or hyper reactive nervous system

Indications: chronic pain conditions such as chronic low back pain, neuralgia, post-surgical scar treatment, and chronic headaches 

What to expect

  • Multiple injections of local anesthetics, which may cause temporary discomfort
  • Appointment length: 30 min

Cost: $190

Ozone Therapy

What is it? Ozone therapy involves the injection of an oxygen-ozone (O2-O3) mixture into tissues to treat musculoskeletal conditions by leveraging its anti-inflammatory and pain blocking properties.

Indications: chronic musculoskeletal pain, osteoarthritis, and low back pain due to lumbar disc herniation

What to expect

  • Ozone is typically added onto prolotherapy treatment. You can expect 1-3 injections of ozone gas into the affected tissues
  • Appointment length: 30 min  

Cost: $60 in addition to the cost of your prolotherapy treatment 

Hyaluronic Acid Injection

What is it? Hyaluronic acid (HA) Durolane ® and Sportvis ® injections are treatments where a gel-like substance, naturally found in the body, is injected into joints to help lubricate and cushion them

Indications: Osteoarthritis, golfers elbow, tennis elbow, and ankle sprains

What to expect

  • 1-3 injections of HA into the joint space, which may cause temporary discomfort or swelling
  • Appointment length: 30 min  

Cost: $300 for the Durolane product plus $245 for the injection therapy.

*Durolane is covered under most Medical Plans 

Cortisone Injection

What is it? Cortisone injections are a treatment involving the injection of corticosteroids into joints or soft tissues to reduce inflammation and pain

Indications: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, and other inflammatory conditions 

What to expect

  • Injections into the area followed by pain relief within a few days
  • Appointment length: 30 min

Cost: $245 – $345  

Trigger Point Injections

What is it? Trigger point injections (TPIs) involve the injection of local anesthetics, saline, or other agents into tight bands of muscle called myofascial trigger points, to alleviate pain and improve function.

Indications: fibromyalgia, headaches caused by muscle tension, and myofascial pain syndrome

What to expect: 

  • A series of injections into myofascial trigger points, followed by potential immediate pain relief, though multiple sessions may be necessary for sustained benefit – typically trigger point injections are administered in conjunction with other treatment modalities
  • Appointment length: 30 min 

Cost: $245 

Additional Consierations

Your practitioner will review any specific considerations and contraindications, ensuring these therapies are safe and appropriate for you. They will also help determine which therapy techniques are most indicated for your needs.

Note: all of our injections are performed using ultrasound for increased precision and accuracy 

Two syringes on a yellow background, emphasizing medical and healthcare themes.

Disclaimer: The content provided on this blog is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. While we strive to present accurate and up-to-date information, the field of naturopathic medicine is continually evolving, and individual health circumstances vary. Therefore, the information herein may not apply to your specific health situation.

Please be aware that engaging with this blog does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. For personalized medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment plans, we recommend scheduling a consultation with a qualified naturopathic physician or other licensed healthcare provider.


In the event of a medical emergency, contact emergency services immediately.

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